Staff / School Service Kurunegala
Kuliyapitiya-paliyagoda-homagama staff-wagon r Staff / School Service
Rs 9,000- Kuliyapitiya (Kurunegala)
- 2020/01/27 16:02:25 GMT
Ladies or a couple only 1)kuliyapitiya-6.00 am peliyagoda-7.20 am through highway up to the thorana junction Kandy road....
Staff transport from Kuliyapitiya to Battaramulla Staff / School Service
Check with seller- Kuliyapitiya (Kurunegala)
- 2018/03/28 15:55:19 GMT
Staff transport from Kulyapitiya to Battaramulla. 0778480474 Kuliyapitiya -> Pannala -> Makandura-> Katunayaka ...
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